This article is the second in a series of guidance documents developed by students, alumni and faculty of the University of the Philippines Medical Informatics Unit. This article discusses how teleconsultation between physician and patient can be carried out appropriately, safely and efficiently.
1. Ensure Quality of Care
The physician must ensure that the quality of care delivered through teleconsultation is at the best possible, despite the inherent limitations of technology.
2. Verify Identify of Participants
A teleconsultation cannot be made anonymously. Both participants need to know each other’s identity. The healthcare professional should verity the patient by means of name, age, birthday, address, phone number as deemed appropriate. The patient must also have access to a process to verify the physician’s credentials.
3. Protect Confidentiality and Obtain Informed Consent
The physician must ensure the confidentiality of patient data. The patients should be informed adequately of the teleconsultation process and its limitations. Implied consent is not recognized under the National Privacy Commission.
4. Prepare Contingency Plans in case of disconnection and emergencies
The American Telemedicine Association recommends that patients provide their full name, date of birth and contact information including telephone, email amd mail contact information prior to initial encounter. In case of technology fault or failure such as poor internet connection, the physician should have a contingency plan in pace that outlines an alternate method of communication with the patient. This plan shall be communicated to the patient before the start of the initial treatment.
5. Document the encounter properly
The healthcare provider should use recording tools to create a record of the patient encounter and maintain them for continuity of care. This includes documentation in their medical record, call or text date and time stamps, and photos or video recording if possible.
In connection with the Data Privacy At of 2012, all recordings must have been consetent to by all parties included in the consultation.
6. Issue a valid E-Prescription
E-prescriptions issued must follow the principles of prescription writing and comply with local guidelines on generic prescribing. Following the principles of prescription order writing helps to avoid dispensing errors.
7. Encourage feedback and monitor outcomes
Feedback must be individualized. It may be asked during consultation or through sent questionnaires.